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              From:青島希尼爾翻譯公司 http://www.marshallsfreshproduce.com

                agar agar瓊脂
                abrus herb herba abri雞骨草
                aconiteleaf syneilesis herb herba syneilesis aconitifoliae兔兒傘
                acutangular anisodus root radix anisodi acutanguli三分三
                adder‘s tongue herb herba ophioglossi一支箭
                african myrsine herb herba myrsines africanae碎米棵
                agaric polyporus豬苓
                air-plant herb herba bryophylli pinnati落地生根
                airpotato yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae bulbiferae黃藥子
                aizoon stonecrop herb herba sedi aizoon景天三七
                akebia fruit fructus akebiae預(yù)知子
                akebia stem caulis akebiae木通
                aloes aloe蘆薈
                alpine yarrow herb herba achilleae蓍草
                alum alumen白礬
                amber succinum琥珀
                american ginseng radix panacis quinquefolii西洋參
                amur adonis herb herba adonidis冰涼花
                amur ampelopsis stem caulis ampelopsis brevipedunculae山葡萄
                amur barberry root radix berberidis amurensis大葉小檗
                amur corktree bark cortex phellodendri黃柏
                amur grape stem caulis vitis amurensis山藤藤秧
                ancients euphorbia stem caulis euphorbiae antiquori火殃勒
                anemone clematis stem / armand clematis stem caulis clematidis川木通
                annual fleabane herb herba erigerontis annui一年蓬
                antelope horn cornu saigae tataricae羚羊角
                antifeverile dichroa root radix dichroae常山
                arabian jasmine flower flos jasmini sambac茉莉花
                arabic cowry shell concha mauritiae arabicae紫貝齒
                areca peel pericarpium arecae大腹皮

               areca seed semen arecae檳榔
                argy wormwood leaf folium artemisiae argyi艾葉
                ark shell concha arcae瓦楞子
                arrowshaped tinospora root radix tinosporae金果欖
                arsenic sublimate arsenicum sablimatum信石
                ash bark cortex fraxini秦皮
                asiatic moonseed rhizome rhizoma menispermi北豆根
                asiatic pennywort herb herba centellae積雪草
                asiatic toddalia root radix toddaliae asiaticae飛龍掌血
                auricled hedyotis herb herba hedyotidis auriculariae耳草
                autumn zephyrlily herb herba zephyranthis candidae肝風(fēng)草
                avicennia pricklyash root radix zanthoxyli avicennae鷹不泊
                axillary choerospondias fruit fructus choerospondiatis廣棗
                baical skullcap root radix scutellariae黃芩
                balsamiferou blumea herb herba blumeae balsamiferae大風(fēng)艾
                bamboo shavings caulis bambusae in taeniam竹茹
                barbary wolfberry fruit fructus lycii枸杞子
                barbed skullcap herb herba scutellariae barbatae半枝蓮
                barberry root radix berberidis三棵針
                bat dung faeces vespertilionis夜明砂
                bear gall fel ursi熊膽
                beautiful millettia root radix millettiae speciosae牛大力
                beautiful phyllodium twig and leaf ramulus et folium phyllodii pulchelli排錢草
                beautiful sweetgum fruit fructus liquidambaris路路通
                belladonna herb herba belladonnae顛茄草
                belvedere fruit fructus kochiae地膚子
                benzoin benzonum安息香
                bezoar calculus bovis牛黃
                bigleaf beautyberry leaf folium callicarpae macrophy

                biond magnolia flower flos magnoliae辛夷
                biotite schist and mica / carbonate schist by chloritization lapis chloriti青礞石
                bistort rhizome rhizoma bistortae拳參
                bitter apricot seed semen armeniacae amarum苦杏仁
                bitter bamboo leaf folium pleioblasti苦竹葉
                bitter orange fructus aurantii枳殼
                bittersweet herb herba solani lyrati白英
                black nightshade herb herba solani nigri龍葵
                black sesame semen sesami nigrum黑芝麻
                blackberrykiky rhizome rhizoma belamcandae射干
                blackend swallowwort root radix cynanchi atrati白薇
                blighted wheat fructus tritici levis浮小麥
                blister beetle mylabris斑蝥
                boat-fruited scaphium seed semen scaphii lychnophori胖大海
                boor‘s mustard herb herba thlaspis菥冥
                borax borax硼砂
                borneol borneolum冰片
                bottle brush herb herba equiseti arvensis問荊
                bottle gourd peel pericarpium lagenariae葫蘆
                brittle falsepimpernel herb herba linderniae crustaceae母草
                brooklet anemone root radix anemones rivularis虎掌草
                broomjutre sida herb herba sidae rhombifoliae黃花母
                buddha‘s lamp twig and leaf ramulus et folium mussaendae pubescentis玉葉金花
                buerger pipewort flower flos eriocauli谷精草
                buffalo horn cornu bubali水牛角
                bulbiferous stonecrop herba sedi bulbiferi馬屎花
                bunge auriculate root radix cynanchi auriculati白首烏
                bunge corydalis herb herba corydalis bungeanae地丁草
                bunge hackberr

              y bark or stem cortex seu caulis celtis bungeanae棒棒木
                bunge pine cone strobilus pini松塔
                bur beggarticks herb herba bidentis tripartitae狼把草
                burmann cinnamon bark cortex cinnamomi burmannii陰香
                cablin potchouli herb herba pogostemonis廣藿香
                cajeputtree leaf folium melaleucae leucadendrae白千層葉
                calamine calamina爐甘石
                calcite calcitum南寒水石
                calomel calomelas輕粉
                camphor camphora樟腦
                camphorwood ligum cinnamomi camphorae香樟木
                canton ampelopsis root radix ampelopsis cantoniensis無刺根
                cape jasmine fruit
                fructus gardeniae
                caper euphorbia seed semen euphorbiae千金子
                carbonized human hair crinis carbonisatus血余炭
                carolina cranesbill herb herba geranii caroliniani野老鸛草
                cassia bark
                cortex cinnamomi
                cassia seed
                semen cassiae
                cassia twig
                ramulus cinnamomi
                castor bean semen ricini蓖麻子
                catechu catechu兒茶
                cattail pollen pollen typhae蒲黃
                ceratostigma root radix ceratostigmatis攀倒甑
                chalcanthite chalcanthitum膽礬
                chaulmoogratree seed semen hydnocarpi大風(fēng)子
                cherokee rose fruit fructus rosae laevigatae金櫻子
                chervil larkspur herb herba delphinii anthriscifolii還亮草
                chicken‘s gizzard-membrane
                endothelium corneum gigeriae galli

              ry bark and root-bark cortex meliae苦楝皮
                chinagreen herb herba aglaonematis廣東萬(wàn)年青
                chinaroot greenbier rhizome rhizoma smilacis chinensis菝契
                chinese alangium root radix alangii八角楓
                chinese angelica
                radix angelicae sinensis
                chinese aralia bark and root-bark cortex araliae chinensis蔥木
                chinese arborvitae twig
                cacumen platycladi
                chinese asafoetida resina ferulae阿魏
                chinese astilbe rhizoma astilbes chinensis落新婦
                chinese azalea flower flos rhododendri mollis鬧羊花
                chinese azalea fruit fructus rhododendri mollis八厘麻
                chinese bastardtoadflax herb herba thesii白蕊草
                chinese box twig ramulus buxi sinicae黃楊木
                chinese brake herb herba pteridis multifidae鳳尾草
                chinese buckeye seed / semen aesculi娑羅子
                wilson buckeye seed
                chinese caterpillar fungus
                chinese cinquefoil herb herba potentillae chinensis委陵菜
                chinese cricket gryllus chinensis蟋蟀
                chinese date
                fructus jujubae大棗
                chinese dicliptera herb herba diclipterae chinensis狗肝菜
                chinese dwarf cherry seed /
                semen pruni
                dwarf flowering cherry seed / longstalk peach seed
                chinese eaglewood lignum aquilariae resinatum沉香
                chinese elder herb herba sambuci chinensis陸英
                chinese elm bark cortex ulmi parvifoliae榔榆皮
                chinese eupatorium root radix eupatorii

                chinese fevervine herb herba paederiae雞屎藤
                chinese fir wood or twig lignum seu ramulus cunninghamiae lanceolatae杉木
                chinese forgetmenot root radix cynoglossi amabilis接骨草
                chinese gall
                galla chinensis
                chinese gentian
                radix gentianae
                chinese globeflower flower flos trollii金蓮花
                chinese hibisci rosae-sinensis flower flos hibisci rosae-sinensis扶?;?br>   chinese holly leaf folium ilicis cornutae枸骨葉
                chinese honeylocust abnormal fruit fructus gleditsiae abnormalis豬牙皂
                chinese honeylocust fruit fructus gleditsiae皂角
                chinese honeylocust spine spina gleditsiae皂角刺
                chinese incarvilla herb herba incarvilleae sinensis角蒿
                chinese iris seed semen iridis chinensis馬藺子
                chinese ivy stem caulis hederae sinensis常春藤
                chinese knotweed herb herba polygoni chinensis火炭母
                chinese ladiestresses root or herb radix seu herba spiranthis lanceae盤龍參
                chinese ligusticum rhizome / jehol ligusticum rhizome rhizoma ligustici藁本
                chinese lizardtail rhizome or herb herba seu rhizoma saururi三白草
                chinese lobelia herb
                herba lobeliae chinensis
                chinese loropetalum herb herba loropetali繼木
                chinese magnoliavine fruit
                fructus schisandrae
                chinese milkwort herb herba polygalae chinensis大葉金不換
                chinese mosla herb
                herba moslae

                chinese osbeckia herb herba osbeckiae金錦香
                chinese peashrub root radix caraganae sinicae錦雞兒
                chinese pholidota herb herba pholidotae chinensis石仙桃
                chinese photinia leaf folium photiniae石南葉
                chinese pulsatilla root
                radix pulsatillae
                chinese pyrola herb herba pyrolae鹿銜草
                chinese rose flower flos rosae chinensis月季花
                chinese sage herb herba salviae chinensis石見穿
                chinese silkvine root-bark cortex periplocae香加皮
                chinese siphonostegia herb herba siponostegiae鈴茵陳
                chinese soapberry fruit fructus sapindi mukorossi無患子
                chinese st. john‘swort root radix hyperici monogyni金絲桃
                chinese starjasmine stem caulis trachelospermi絡(luò)石藤
                chinese stellera root radix stellerae瑞香狼毒
                chinese tallowtree root-bark cortex sapii radicis烏桕
                chinese tamarisk twig cacumen tamaricis西河柳
                chinese taxillus twig herba taxilli桑寄生
                chinese thorowax root /
                radix bupleuri
                red thorowax root
                chinese trumpetcreeper flower common trumpetcreeperflower flos campsis凌霄花
                chinese umbrellaleaf rhizome and root rhizoma et radix diphylleiae窩兒七
                chinese usnea usnea松蘿
                chinese waxgourd peel exocarpium benincase冬瓜皮
                chinese waxgourd semen semen benincasae冬瓜子
                chinese waxmyrtle bark cortex myricae rubrae楊梅
                chinese wedelia herb herba wedeliae澎蜞菊
                chinese white olive fructus c

                chinese wingmut leaf folium pterocaryae stenopterae楓楊葉
                chinese wolfberry root-bark
                cortex lycii
                chingma abutilon seed semen abutili苘麻子
                chinse clinopodium herb / manyhead clinopodium herb herba clinopodii chinensis / herba clinopodii polycephali斷血流
                cholla stem caulis opuntiae仙人掌
                flos chrysanthemi
                cicada slough
                periostracum cicadae
                ciliatenerve knotweed root radix polygoni ciliinerve朱砂蓮
                cinchona bark cortex cinchonae金雞納皮
                citron fruit fructus citri香櫞
                clam shell concha meretricis seu cyclinae蛤殼
                clematis root
                radix clematidis
                clethra loosestrife herb herba lysimachiae clethroidis珍珠菜
                climbing fig fruit fructus fici pumilae薜荔果
                climbing groundsel herb herba senecionis scandentis千里光
                clinopodium herb herba clinopodii gracilis剪刀草
                cluster mallow fruit
                fructus malvae vertillatae
                coastal glehnia root radix glehniae北沙參
                coca leaf folium cocoe古柯葉
                cochinchina momordica seed semen momordicae木鱉子
                cochinchnese asparagus root radix asparagi天門冬
                cockscomb flower flos celosiae cristatae雞冠花
                coffee senna seed semen cassiae occidentalis望江南
                coix seed
                semen coicis
                coloed mistletoe herb

              herba visci槲寄生
                colophony colophonium松香
                combined spicebush root radix linderae烏藥
                common achyranthes herb herba achyranthis asperae倒扣草
                common adenostema herb herba adenostemmatis下田菊
                common aeschynomene herb herba aeschynomenes indicae田皂角
                common alocasia rhizome rhizoma alocasiae macrorrhizae海芋
                common alstonia leaf folium alstoniae scholaris燈臺(tái)葉
                common andrographis herb
                herba andrographis
                common anemarrhena rhizome
                rhizoma anemarrhenae
                common baphicacanthus rhizome and root rhizoma et radix baphicacanthi cusiae馬藍(lán)
                common bletilla pseudobulb
                pseudobulbus bletillae
                common bluebeard herb herba caryopteridis incanae蘭香草
                common bombax flower flos bombacis malabarici木棉花
                common burreed rhizome rhizoma sparganii三棱
                common camptotheca fruit fructuscamptothecaeacuminatae喜樹果
                common carpesium fruit fructus carpesii abrotanoides鶴虱
                common cephalanoplos herb herba cephalanoploris小薊
                common cissampelos herb herba cissmpelotis亞乎奴
                common clubmoss herb herba lycopodii伸筋草
                common cnidium fruit
                fructus cnidii
                common coltsfoot flower
                flos farfarae
                common crapemyrtle leaf folium lagerstronmiae indicae紫薇葉
                common curculigo rhizome rhizoma curculiginis仙茅
                common dayflower herb herba commelinae

                common ducksmeat herb herba spirodelae浮萍
                common dysosmatis rhizome and root / sixangular dysosmatis rhizome and root rhizoma et radix dysosmatis八角蓮
                common fenugreek seed semen trigonellae葫蘆巴
                common fibraurea stem caulis fibraureae黃藤
                common floweringquince fruit
                fructus chaenomelis
                common four-o‘clock root radix mirabilis紫茉莉根
                common foxglove leaf folium digitalis purpureae洋地黃葉
                common gendarussa herb herba gendarussae小駁骨
                common goldenrod herb herba solidaginis一只黃花
                common heron‘sbill herb herba erodii長(zhǎng)嘴老鸛草
                common jasminorange leaf and twig folium et cacumen murrayae九里香
                common jointfir stem caulis gneti買麻藤
                common knotgrass herb herba polygoni avicularis編蓄
                common lantana leaf folium lantanae camarae馬纓丹
                common leafflower herb herba phyllanthi urinariae葉下珠
                common lophatherum herb herba lophatheri淡竹葉
                common macrocarpium fruit
                fructus corni
                common melastoma herb herba melastomatis candii野牡丹
                common monkshood mother root radix aconiti川烏
                common nandina fructus nandinae domesticae天竺子
                common russianthistle herb herba salsolae /豬毛菜
                russianthisle herb
                common sage herb herba salviae plebeiae荔枝草
                common scouring rush herb herba equiseti hiemalis木賊
                common selfheal fruit-spike
                spica prunellae

              smoketree twig and leaf ramulus et folium cotini coggygiae黃櫨
                common squill bulb bulbus scillae scilloidis鮮白頭
                common st. john‘swort herb herba hyperici perforati貫葉金絲桃
                common threewingnut root radix tripterygii wilfordii雷公藤
                common vladimiria root radix vladimiriae川木香
                common wedgelet fern leaf folium stenolomatis烏韭
                common yam rhizome / wingde yan rhizome
                rhizoma diosscoreae
                copperleaf herb herba acalyphae鐵莧菜
                coral ardisia root radix ardisiae crenatae朱砂根
                coralhead plant seed semen abri precatorii相思子
                coriander fruit fructus coriandri芫荽子
                corn stigma stigma maydis玉米須
                coromadel coast falsemallow herb herba malvastri coromandeliani黃花棉
                corymbose hedyotis herb herba hedyotidis corymbosae水線草
                radix aucklandiae
                cottonrose hibiscus leaf folium hibisci mutabilis木芙蓉葉
                cowherb seed semen vaccariae王不留行
                creeping dichondra herb herba dichondrae repentis馬蹄金
                creeping rostellularia herb herba rostellulariae爵床
                creeping woodsorrel herb herba oxalidis corniculatae酢漿草
                crispateleaf ardisia root radix ardisiae crispae百兩金
                croton seed
                semen crotonis
                cudweed herb herba gnaphalii affinis鼠曲草
                cuneate lespedeza herba lespedezae cuneatae鐵掃帚
                curly bristlethistle herb herba cardui crispi飛廉
                cushaw seed
                semen cucur

                cuttlebone os sepiae海螵蛸
                cyrtomium rhizome
                rhizoma cyrtomii
                dactylicapnos root radix dactylicapnotis紫金龍
                daghestan sweetclover herb herba meliloti suaveolentis辟汗草
                dahurian angelica root/taiwan angelica root
                radix angelicae dahuricae
                dahurian patrinia herb / whiteflower patrinia herb herba patriniae敗醬草
                dahurian rhododendron leaf folium rhododendri dahurici滿山紅
                dahurian rose fruit fructus rosae davuricae刺玫
                danshen root
                radix salviae miltiorrhizae
                dark plum fruit fructus mume烏梅
                daylily root / citron daylily / small yellow daylily radix hemerocallis萱草根
                decumbent bugle herb herba ajugae筋骨草
                decumbent corydalis tuber rhizoma corydalis decumbentis夏天無
                dendrobium herba dendrobii石斛
                densefruit pittany root-bark
                cortex dictamni  白鮮皮
              desertliving cistanche herba cistanches
                devilpepper root /java devilpepper root radix rauvolfiae蘿芙木
                devil‘s rush herb herba junci setchuensis龍須草
                diels stephania root radix stephaniae dielsianae血散薯
                digitalis lanata leaf folium digitalis lanatae毛花洋地黃葉
                digua fig stem caulis fici tikouae地石榴
                discolor cinquefoil herb herba potentillae discoloris翻白草
                divaricate saposhnikovia root
                radix saposhnikoviae
                divaricate strophantus seed semen strophanthi divaricati羊角拗子
                diverse wormwood herb herba artemisiae anomalae劉寄奴
                diversifolious patrinia root /scabrous patrinia root radix patriniae heterophyllae /radix patriniae scabrae墓頭回
                dock root radix rumicis土大黃
                doederlein‘s spikemoss herb herba selaginellae doederleinii石上柏
                dogbane leaf folium apocyni veneti羅布麻葉
                dog‘s testis and penis testis et penis canis狗腎
                donkey-hide glue
                colla corii asini
                doubleteethpubescentangilicaroot/pubescent angelica root
                radix angelicae pubescentis
                downy groundcherry fruit or herb fructus seu herba physalis pubescentis燈籠草
                downy rosemyrtle root radix rhodomyrti崗稔根
                dragonhead herb herba dracocephali integrifolii全緣葉青蘭
                dragon‘s blood resina draconis血竭
                dragon‘s tongue leaf folium sauropi龍利葉
                drgon‘s bones,fossilizid
                os draconis / fossilia o

                dried ginger rhizoma zingiberis干姜
                dried lacquer resina toxicodendri干漆
                dried longan pulp
                arillus longan
                drug sweetflag rhizome rhizoma acori calami菖蒲
                dutchmanspipe fruit
                fructus aristolochiae
                dutchmanspipe vine / caulis aristolochiae天仙藤
                northern dutchmanspipe vine
                dwarf lilyturf tuber
                radix ophiopogonis
                earthworm lumbricus地龍
                east asian tree fern rhizome rhizoma cibotii狗脊
                elecampane inula root radix inulae土木香
                emblic leafflower fruit fructus phyllanthi余甘子
                english walnut seed semen juglandis胡桃仁
                entada sten semen entadae瞌藤子
                entadae stem caulis entadae過江龍
                ephedra herb
                herba ephedrae
                epigeal srephaia root radix stephaniae epigaeae地不容
                epimedium herb
                herba epimedii
                erect st. john‘swort herb herba hyperici erecti小連翹
                ergot ergota麥角
                eriocarpous glochidion leaf folium glochidii eriocarpi漆大姑
                eucommia bark
                cortex eucommiae
                european grape fruit fructus vitis viniferae索索葡萄
                european hop flower flos humuli lupuli啤酒花
                european verbena herba verbenae馬鞭草
                european waterhemlock root radix cicutae virosae毒芹
                false chinese swertia herb herba swertiae當(dāng)藥
                falsehellebore root and rhizome radix et rhizoma verat

                falsesour cherry nux pseudocerasi櫻桃核
                fangchi root radix aristolochiae fangchi廣防已
                feather cockscomb seed
                semen celosiae
                fennel fruit
                fructus foeniculi
                fermented soybean
                semen sojae preparatum
                fewflower lysionotus herb herba lysionoti pauciflori石吊蘭
                field sowthistle herb herba sonchi arvensis苣荬菜
                fig fructus fici無花果
                figwort root radix scrophulariae玄參
                figwortflowerpicrorhizarhizome rhizoma picrorhizae胡黃連
                filiform cassytha herb herba casythae filiformis無根藤
                fimbriae orostachys herba orostachyos瓦松
                fineleaf schizonepeta herb herba schizonepetae荊芥
                finger citron fructus citri sarcodactylis佛手
                fistular onion stalk bulbus allii fistulosi蔥白
                fiveleaf gynostemma herb herba gynostemmatis絞股藍(lán)
                flabelate maiden-hair herb herba adianti flabellulati過壇龍
                flastem milkvetch seed semen astragali complanati沙苑子
                flos caryophyllata
                flos syzygii aromatici
                fluorite fluoritum紫石英
                forbes wildginger herb herba asari forbesii杜衡
                forest frog‘s oviduct
                oviductus ranae
                forrest silkvine stem or root caulis et radix periplocae forrestii黑骨頭
                fortune eupatorium herb
                herba eupatorii
                fortune firethorn fruit fructus pyracanthae fortuneanae救兵糧
                fortune loosestrife he

              rb herba lysimachiae fortunei星宿菜
                fortune meadowrue herb herba thalictri fortunei白蓬草
                fortune paulownia fruit /royal paulownia fruit fructus paulowniae泡桐果
                fortune plumyew twig and leaf folium et ramulus cephalotaxi三尖杉
                fortune windmillpalm petiole petiolus trachycarpi棕櫚
                fortune‘s drynaria rhizome rhizoma drynariae骨碎補(bǔ)
                fourstamen stephania root radix stephaniae tetrandrae粉防己/漢防己
                fragrant eupatorium herb herba eupatorii odorati飛機(jī)草
                fragrant plantainlily herb herba hostae plantagineae玉簪
                fragrant sarcococca herb herba sarcococcae ruscifoliae清香桂
                fragrant solomonseal rhizome rhizoma polygonati odorati玉竹
                franchet groundcherry calyx and fruit calyx seu fructus physalis錦燈籠
                frangrant ainsliaea herb herba alisliaeae fragrantis杏香兔耳風(fēng)
                freshwater sponge spongilla紫梢花
                fringed iris herb herba iridis japonicae鐵扁擔(dān)
                fruticose breyniae leaf and twig folium et cacumen breyniae fruticosae黑面神
                gadfly tabanus虻蟲
                galanga galangal seed fructus galangae紅豆蔻
                galanga resurrectionlily rhizome rhizoma kaempferiae山柰
                gall fel膽汁
                gambir plant
                ramulus uncariae cum uncis
                gansui root
                radix kansui
                garcinia bark cortex garciniae山竹子
                garden balsam semen impatientis急性子
                garden balsam stem caulis impatientis透骨草

              burnet root
                radix sanguisorbae
                garden euphorbia herb herba euphorbiae hirtae飛揚(yáng)草
                garlic bulbus allii大蒜
                garter snake zaocys烏梢蛇
                gecko gekko swinhonis壁虎
                giant knotweed rhizome rhizoma polygoni cuspidati虎杖
                giant st.john‘swort herb herba hyperici紅旱蓮
                giant typhonium rhizome rhizoma typhonii gigantei白附子
                giantleaf ardisia rhizome rhizoma ardisiae gigantifoliae走馬胎
                ginkgo leaf folium ginkgo銀杏葉
                ginkgo seed semen gingko白果
                radix ginseng
                girald pteroxygonum root radix pteroxygoni giraldii紅藥子
                glabrous greenbrier rhizome rhizoma smilacis glabrae土茯苓
                glabrous sarcandra herb herba sarcandrae腫節(jié)風(fēng)
                glandularstalk st.paulswortherb / common st.paulswort herb herba siegesbeckiae豨薟草
                globeamaranth flower flos gomphrenae千日紅
                glossy privet fruit fructus ligustri lucidi女貞子
                glutinosae rice root radix oryzae glutinosae糯稻根
                golden larch bark cortex pseudolaricis土荊皮
                golden thread
                rhizoma coptidis
                goldhair hedyotis herb herba hedyotidis chrysotrichae黃毛耳草
                goosegrass herb herba eleusines indicae牛筋草
                gordon euryale seed
                semen euryales
                graceful jessamine herb herba gelsemii elegantis斷腸草
                grand torreya seed semen torreyae榧子
                granesbill herb herba geranii短嘴老鸛草
                grassleaf sweelflag rhizome rhizo

              ma acori tatarinowii石菖蒲
                great burdock achene
                fructus arctii
                great willowherb herb herba epilobii angustifoii柳蘭
                greater celandine herb herba chelidonii白屈菜
                green bristlegrass herb herba setariae viricis狗尾草
                green tangerine peel pericarpium citri reticulatae viride青皮
                grosvener siraitia fructus siraitiae grosvenorii羅漢果
                ground beeltle eupolyphaga seu steleophaga土鱉蟲
                guava leaf folium psidii guajavae番石榴葉
                gynura root radix gynurae紅背三七
                gypsum gypsum fibrosum石膏
                gypsum gypsum rubrum北寒水石
                gypsum selenitum玄精石
                hainan ervatamia root radix ervatamiae hainanensis單根木
                hairy antler
                cornu cervi pantotrichum
                hairyvein agrimonia herb and bud herba et gemma agrimoniae仙鶴草
                halite halitum大青鹽
                halloysit halloysitum rubrum赤石脂
                hance brandisia herb herba brandisiae hancei蜜桶花
                hance pepper stem and leaf caulis et folium piperis hancei山蒟
                hare dung faeces leporis望月砂
                harlequin glorybower leaf and twig
                folium et ramulus clerodendri trichotomi
                hawksbill carapace carapax eretmochelydis玳瑁
                hawthorn fruit
                fructus crataegi
                heartleaf houttuynia herb herba houttuyniae魚腥草
                hedge prinsepia nut nux prinsepiae蕤仁
                hedgehog hide corium erinacei seu hemiechianus刺猬皮
                hematite haematitum赭石
                hemp fruit
                fructus cannabis
                hempleaf negundo chastetree leaf folium viticis cannabifoliae牡荊葉
                hemsley rockvine root radix tetrastigmatis hemsleyani三葉青
                henbane leaf folium hyoscyami莨菪葉
                henbane seed semen hyoscyami天仙子
                henry clematis root radix clematidis henryi雪里開
                heterohairy monkshood root radix aconiti heterotrichi小白撐
                heterophyllous wing seedtreeroot radix pterospermi heterophylli半楓荷根
                heterophylly falsestarwort root
                radix pseudostellariae太子參
                himalayan teasel root
                radix dipsaci
                hindu datura flower /hairy datura flower
                flos daturae metelis / flos daturae innoxiae
                hiraute shiny bugleweed herb herba lycopi澤蘭
                honeycomb nidus vespae蜂房
                honeysuckle flower
                flos lonicerae
                hoodshaped alocasia rhizome rhizoma alocasiae cucullatae老虎芋
                horse bezoar calculus equi馬寶
                horseweed herb herba conyzae canadensis小飛蓬
                hot pepper fructus capsici辣椒
                human placenta placenta hominis紫河車
                humifuse euphorbia herb herba euphorbiae humifusae地錦草
                hupeh anemone herb herba anemones hupehensis打破碗花花
                hupeh bauhinia root radix bauhiniae hupehanae羊蹄甲
                hupeh fritillary bulb bulbus fritillariae hupehensis湖北貝母
                hypoglaucous collett yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae hypoglaucae粉萆解
                immature bitter or

                fructus aurantii immaturus
                incised corydalis herb herba corydalis incisae紫花魚燈草
                incised notopterygium rhizome /forbes notopterygium rhizome rhizoma notopterygii羌活
                india canna rhizome rhizoma cannae indicae美人蕉根
                india madder root
                radix rubiae
                india mustard seed semen brassicae junceae芥子
                indian azalea leaf folium rhododendri simsii紅花杜鵑
                indian buead
                indian damnacanthus herb herba damnacanthi虎刺
                indian epimeredi herb herba epimeredis indicae防風(fēng)草
                indian iphigenia bulb bulbus iphigeniae indicae山慈菇
                indian kalimeris herb herba kalimeridis馬蘭
                indian mockstrawberry herb herba duchesneae indicae蛇莓
                indian rorippa herb herba rorippae旱菜
                indian skullcap herb herba scutellariae indicae疔瘡草
                indian stringbush root radix wikstroemae了哥王
                indian trum etflower seed seen oroxyli木蝴蝶
                indian zehneria herb herba zehneriae indicae馬包兒
                indigowoad leaf
                folium isatidis
                indigowoad root radix isatidis板藍(lán)根
                inula flower
                flos inulae
                involute spikemoss herb herba selaginellae involventis兗州卷柏
                irkutsk anemone rhizome rhizoma anemones altaicae九節(jié)菖蒲
                ivy glorybind rhizome rhizoma calystegiae hederaceae打碗花
                ivy tree bark cortex schefflerae octophyllae鴨腳木
                japan clover herb herba kummerowiae st

                japanese ampelopsis root radix ampelopsis白蘞
                japanese ardisia herb herba ardisiae japonicae矮地茶
                japanese buttercup herb herba ranunculi jponici毛茛
                japanese cayratia herb herba cayatiae japonicae烏蘞莓
                japanese climbing fern spore spora lygodii海金沙
                japanese dock root radix rumicis japonici羊蹄
                japanesefloweringfernrhizome rhizoma osmundae紫萁貫眾
                japanese ginseng rhizoma panacis japonici竹節(jié)參
                japanese honeysuckle stem caulis lonicerae忍冬藤
                japanese hop herb herba humuli scandentis路草
                japanese metaplexis pericarp pericarpium metaplexis天漿殼
                japanese milkwort herb herba polygalae japonicae瓜子金
                japanese pachysandra herb herba pachysandrae terminalis雪山林
                japanese peristrophe herb herba peristrophes九頭獅子草
                japanese polypody rhizome rhizoma polypodiodis nipponicae水龍骨
                japanese premna herb herba premnae microphyllae腐婢
                japanese raspberry root radix rubi parvifolii天青地白
                japanese snailseed root radix cocculi trilobi木防己
                japanese snakegourd root radix trichosanthis cucumeroidis王瓜根
                japanese st. john‘swort herb herba hyperici japonici田基黃
                japanese stephania root radix stephaniae japonicae千金藤
                japanese thistle herb or root herba seu radix cirsii japonici大薊
                japanese wormwood herb herba artemisiae japonicae牡蒿
                japonese pearlwort herb herba saginae japonicae漆姑草
                japonica china fern rhizome rhi

              zoma woodwardiae狗脊貫眾
                java brucea fruit
                fructus bruceae
                jiuxiang bug aspongopus九香蟲
                kadsura pepper stem caulis piperis kadsurae海風(fēng)藤
                kadsura root-bark cortex kadsurae radicis紫荊皮
                katsumade galangal seed semen alpiniae草豆蔻
                kelp thallus laminariae昆布
                kirilow groundsel herb herba senecionis kirilowi狗舌草
                knoxia root radix knoxiae紅大戟
                korean monkshood root radix aconiti coreani關(guān)白附
                kudzuvine root
                radix puerariae
                kusamaki seed semen podocarpi macrophylli羅漢松
                kusnezoff monkshood root radix aconiti kusnezoffii草烏
                lac lacca紫草茸
                laciniate kalanchoe herb herba kalanchoes lacinialae雞爪三七
                ladybell root radix adenophorae南沙參
                lalang grass rhizome rhizoma imperatae白茅根
                lance asiabell root radix codonopsis lanceolatae羊乳
                lancelesf lily bulb / greenish lily bulb / low lily bulb bulbus lilii百合
                langdu root radix euphorbiae fischerianae/狼毒
                radix euphorbiae ebracteolatae
                largeflower jasmine flower flos jasmini素馨花
                largehead atractylodesrhizome
                rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae
                largeleaf gentian root /
                radix gentianae macrophyllae
                straw-coloured gentian root
                largetrifoliolious bugbane rhizome rhizoma cimicifugae升麻
                lawn pennywort herb herba hydrocotyles天胡荽
                leatherleaf mahonia stem chinese mahon

              ia stem culis mahoniae功勞木
                leech hirudo水蛭
                lemonfragrant angelica root radix angelicae citriodorae香白芷
                lemongrass herb herba cymbopogonis citrati香茅
                lepidogrammitis herb herba lepidogrammitidis drymoglossoidis魚鱉草
                lesser galangal rhizome rhizoma alpiniae officinarum高良姜
                levant cotton root radix gossypii棉花根
                lightyellow sophora root
                radix sophorae flavescentis
                lilac daphne flower bud flos genkwa芫花
                lilyofthevalley herb herba convallariae鈴蘭
                limonite limonitum禹余糧
                lindley butterflybush herb herba buddlejae lindleyanae醉魚草
                lindley eupatorium herb herba eupatorii lindleyani野馬追
                linear leaf speedwell herba veronicae一支香
                linear stonecrop herb herba sedi linearis佛假草
                linearstripe rabdosia herb herba rabdosiae lophanthoidis溪黃草
                liquoric root
                radix glycyrrhizae
                lithargite lithargyrum密陀僧
                little multibanded krait bungarus parvus金錢白花蛇
                littleleaf indianmulberry herb herba morindae parvifoliae白眼藤
                lobed actinostemma herb herba actinstemmatis lobati盒子草
                lobedfruit schizocapsarhizome rhizoma schizocapsae plantagineae水田七
                long pepper fructus piperis longi篳茇
                long stephania herb herba stephania longae糞箕篤
                longhairy antenoron herb herba lysimachiae金錢草
                long-nosed pit viper agkistrodon蘄蛇
                longstamen onion bulb bulbus allii macrostemi薤白

              ongtube ground ivy herb herba glechomae連錢草
                loquat leaf
                folium eriobotryae
                lotus leaf folium nelumbinis荷葉
                lotus plumule plumula nelumbinis蓮子心
                lotus rhizome node nodus nelumbinis rhizomatis藕節(jié)
                lotus seed pot receptaculum nelumbinis蓮房
                lotus stamen stamen nelumbinis蓮須
                lovely hemsleya root radix hemsleyae雪膽
                lowdaphne stringbush flower and leaf flos et folium wikstroemiae chamaedaphnis黃芫花
                lucid ganoderma
                ganoderma lucidum seu sinensis
                luckynut thevetia seed semen thevetiae黃花夾竹桃
                lunate peltate sundew herb herba droserae lunatae茅膏菜
                lushan mountain barberry root radix berberidis virgetori刺黃蓮
                lychee seed semen litchi荔枝核
                madagascar periwinkle herb herba catharanthi rosei長(zhǎng)春花
                maifanite maifanitum麥飯石
                malaytea scurfpea fruit fructus psoraleae補(bǔ)骨脂
                male fern rhizome rhizoma dryopteridis綿馬貫眾
                fructus hordei germinatus
                manchurian lilac bark cortex syringae暴馬子皮
                manchurian rhododendron leaf folium rhododendri micranthi照山白
                manchurian tubergourd fruit fructus thladianthae dubiae赤袍子
                manchurian wildginger
                herba asari
                manshurian dutchmanspipe stem caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis關(guān)木通
                mantis egg-case
                theca mantidis

              er gueldenstaedtid herb herba gueldenstaedtiae multiflorae甜地丁
                manyflowersolomonsealrhizome / siberian solomonseal rhizome / king solomonseal rhizome rhizoma polygonati黃精
                manyprickle acanto-panax root radix acanthopanacis senticosi刺五加
                mary rhododendron leaf and twig folium et cacumen rhododendri mariae紫花杜鵑
                matteuccia fern rhizome rhizoma matteucciae莢果蕨貫眾
                meadowrue root and rhizome radix et rhizoma thalictri馬尾連
                medcinal evodia fruit
                fructus evodiae
                medicated leaven massa medicata fermentata六神曲
                medicinal changium root radix changii明黨參
                medicinal cyathula root radix cyathulae川牛膝
                medicinal indianmulberry root
                radix morindae officinalis
                medicine terminalia fruit fructus chebulae訶子
                membranous milkvetch root /
                radix astragali
                mongolian milkcetch root
                mexican tea herb herba chenopodii土荊芥
                mile swertia herb herba swertiae mileensis青葉膽
                moellendorf‘s spidemoss herb herba selaginellae moellendorfii地柏枝
                mole cricket gryllotalpa螻蛄
                mongolian dandelion herb
                herba taraxaci
                mongolian snakegourd root radix trichosanthis天花粉
                mongollian thyme herb herba thymi地椒
                motherwort fruit fructus leonuri茺蔚子
                motherwort herb herba leonuri益母草
                mountain dragon caulis arcangeli

                mountain spicy tree fruit fructus litseae畢澄茄
                mountain yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae tokoro山萆解
                mulberry fruit fructus mori桑椹
                mulberry leaf folium mori桑葉
                mulberry twig ramulus mori桑枝
                mullein mightbrier leaf folium solani verbascifolii假煙葉
                mus covite muscovitum云母
                muskmelon base pedicellus melo甜瓜蒂
                muskmelon seed semen melo甜瓜子
                muskroot-like semiaquilegia root radix semiaquilegiae天葵子
                myrrh myrrha沒藥
                nacre concha margaritifera usta珍珠母
                nakedflower beautyberry leaf folium callicarpae nudiflorae裸花紫珠
                nardostachyos root and rhizome radix et rhizoma nardostachyos甘松
                narrowleaf screwtree root radix helicteris山芝麻
                natant salvinia herb herba salviniae natantis槐葉蘋
                natural indigo indigo naturalis青黛
                negundo chastetree fruit fructus viticis negundo黃荊子
                negundo chastetree leaf folium viticis negundo黃荊葉
                ningpo yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae nipponicae穿山龍
                nutgrass galingale rhizome
                rhizoma cyperi
                nutmeg semen myristicae肉豆蔻
                nux vomica semen strychni馬錢子
                obcordate raspberry root radix rubi obcordati黃鎖梅
                obscured homalomenarhizome rhizoma homalomenae千年健
                obtuseleaf cinnamon bark cortex cinnamomi bejolghotae山肉桂
                officinal asparagus root radix asparagi officinalis石刁柏
                officinal magnolia bark
                cortex magnoliae officinalis
                omoto nipponlily rhizome rhizoma rohdeae japonicae白河車
                ophicslcite ophicalcitum花蕊石
                opium opium阿片
                oriental bittersweet root radix celastri orbiculati南蛇藤根
                oriental blechnum fern rhizome rhizoma blechni烏毛蕨貫眾
                oriental stephania root radix stephaniae cepharanthae白藥子
                oriental waterplantain rhizome
                rhizoma alismatis
                orpiment orpimentum雌黃
                ovalleaf dutchmanspipe root radix aristolochiae tagalae通城虎
                ovateleaf holly bark cortex ilicis rotundae救必應(yīng)
                ovientvine caulis sinomenii青風(fēng)藤
                oyster shell
                concha ostreae
                pagodatree flower bud flos sophorae immaturus槐米
                pagodatree pod fructus sophorae槐角
                pale butterflybush flower flos buddlejae密蒙花
                palmleaf raspberry fruit
                fructus rubi
                pangolin scales
                squama manitis
                panicled fameflower root radix talini paniculati土人參
                paniculate swallowwort root radix cynanchi paniculati徐長(zhǎng)卿
                papaya fructus caricae番木瓜
                papermulberry fruit fructus broussonetiae楮實(shí)子
                parslane herb
                herba portulacae
                patience dock root radix rumicis patientiae牛西西
                peach seed
                semen persicae
                pedate pinallia jackinthepulpit rhizome
                rhizoma pinelliae seu arisa

                pedunculate acronychia wood lignum acronychiae沙塘木
                peking euphorbia root radix euphorbiae pekinensis京大戟
                pepper fructus piperis胡椒
                pepper wort herb herba marsileae quadrifoliae田字草
                herba menthae
                pepperweed seed / tansymustard seed
                semen lepidii / semen desurainiae
                perfoliote knotweed herb herba polygoni perfoliati杠板歸
                perilla fruit
                fructus perillae
                perilla leaf folium perillae紫蘇葉
                perilla stem caulis perillae紫蘇梗
                persimmon calyx and receptacle
                calyx kaki
                pevuvian apple herb herba nicandrae physaloidis冰粉
                pharbitis seed
                semen pharbitidis
                philippine flemingia root radix flemingiae philippinensis千金拔
                philippine violet herb
                herba violae
                phoenix tree seed semen firmianae梧桐子
                pillbug armadillidium鼠婦蟲
                pilose asiabell root /moderate asiabell root/szechwon tangshen root
                radix codonopsis
                pine leaf folium pini松毛
                pine nodular branch lignum pini nodi油松節(jié)
                pine pollen pollen pini松花粉
                pinellia tuber
                rhizoma pinelliae
                pink herb herba dianthi瞿麥
                pink plumepoppy herb herba macleayae cordatae博落回
                pink reineckea herb herba reineckeae carneae吉祥草
                pipe fish syngnathus海龍

              t soot fuligo plantae百草霜
                plantain herb herba plantaginis車前草
                plantain seed
                semen plantaginis
                platycladi seed semen platycladi柏子仁
                platycodon root
                radix platycodi
                poisonous buttercup herb herba ranunculi scelerati石龍芮
                pokeberry root radix phytolaccae商陸
                pomegranate rind pericarpium granati石榴皮
                prepared common monkshood daughter root radix aconiti lateralis preparata附子
                prepared salt sal preparatum秋石
                pricklyash peel fructus zanthoxyli花椒
                prince‘s-feather fruit fructus polygoni orientalis水葒花子
                prince‘s-feather herb herba polygoni orientalis葒草
                puberulous glochidion herb herba glochidii puberi算盤子
                pubescent holly root radix ilicis pubescentis毛冬青
                pubescent pepper herb herba piperis puberuli毛蒟
                lasiosphaera seu calvatia
                pumice pumex浮石
                pummelo peel exocarpium citri grandis化橘紅
                puncturevine caltrop fruit fructus tribuli蒺藜
                purple lythrum herb herba lythri salicariae千屈菜
                purpleflower crotalaria herb herba crotalariae農(nóng)吉利
                purpleflower holly leaf folium ilicis purpureae四季青
                purslane speedwell herb herba veronicae peregrinae仙桃草
                pyrite pyritum自然銅
                pyrolusite pyrolusitum無名異
                pyrrosia leaf folium pyrrosiae石韋
                quartz quartz album白石英
                radde anemone rhizome rhizoma anemones raddeanae竹節(jié)香附
                radish seed semen raphani萊菔子
                raisin tree seed semen hoveniae枳具子
                ramie root radix boehmeriae苧麻根
                rangooncreeper fruit
                fructus quisqualis
                realgar realgar雄黃
                red ochre
                ochra haematitum
                red paeony root
                radix paeoniae rubra
                red psychotria leaf folium psychotriae rubrae山大顏
                red-knees herb herba polygonie hydropiperis辣蓼
                reed rhizome
                rhizoma phragmitis
                rehmannia root
                radix rehmanniae
                remote lemongrass herb herba cymbopogonis蕓香草
                rhesus macaque bezoar calculus macacae mulattae猴棗
                radix et rhizoma rhei
                rice bean semen phaseoli赤小豆
                rice-grain sprout fructus oryzae germinatus谷芽
                ricepaperplant pith medulla tetrapanacis通草
                rivier giantarum rhizome rhizoma amorphophalli魔芋
                romanet grape root radix vitis adstrictae野葡萄
                rose flos rosae rugosae玫瑰花
                rose mallow root radix urenae lobatae地桃花
                rosewood heart wood lignum dalbergiae odoriferae降香
                roughhaired holly root radix ilicis asprellae崗梅根
                round cardamom fruit /java amomum fruit fructus amomi rotundus白豆蔻
                rush medulla junci燈心草
                rust-coloured crotalaria herb herba crotalariae ferrugineae假地蘭
                flos carthami
                saffron stigma croci西紅花
                sago leaf folium

              cycadis revolutae鳳尾蕉葉
                sal ammoniac sai ammoniacus硇砂
                sampson st. john‘swort herb herba hyperici sampsonii元寶草
                radix notoginseng
                sandalwood lignum santali albi檀香
                sappan wood ligum sappan蘇木
                sargentgloryvine stem caulis sargentodoxae大血藤
                sarmentose pepper herb herba piperis sarmentosi假蒟
                savoury rhododendron leaf folium rhododendri anthopogonoidis烈香杜鵑
                sawtooth oak bark cortex querci acutissimae橡木皮
                saxifraga herba saxifragae虎耳草
                scabrous doellingeria rhizome and root rhizoma et radix doellingeriae東風(fēng)菜
                scabrous elephantfoot herb herba elephantopi地膽頭
                scabrous mosla herb herba moslae scabrae石薺苧
                scandent schefflera stem and leaf caulis et folium schefflerae arboricolae七葉蓮
                scarlet kadsura root radix kadsurae coccineae黑老虎根
                sea horse hippocampus海馬
                sea-ear shell
                concha haliotidis
                semen nelumbinis lotus seed蓮子
                semi-pinnated brake herb herba pteridis semipinnatae半邊旗
                senna leaf
                folium sennae
                sensitiveplat herb herba mimosae pudicae含羞草
                serpoletleaf sandwort herb herba arenariae serpyllifoliae小無心菜
                serrate chloranthus root radix chloranthi serrati及己
                serrate gtorybower herb herba clerodendri serrati三對(duì)節(jié)
                sessile stem

              ona root/japanese stemona root/tuber stemona root
                radix stemonae
                sessileflower acanthopanax bark cortex acanthopanacis sessiliflori短梗五加
                sevenlobed yam rhizome / foochow yam rhizome
                rhizoma dioscoreae septemlobae
                sharpleaf galangal fruit
                fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae
                sheepear inula herb herba inulae cappae羊耳菊
                shepherdspurse herb herba capsellae薺菜
                shiny cinquefoil root radix potentillae fulgentis翻白葉
                shinyleaf pricklyash root radix zanthoxyli兩面針
                shorthairy antenoron herb herba antenoronis neofiliformis金線草
                shortleaf kyllinga herb herba kyllingae水蜈蚣
                shortstalk monkshood root/pendulous monkshood root radix aconiti brachypodi/radix aconiti szechenyiani雪上一只蒿
                shorttube lycoris bulb bulbus lycoridis radiatae石蒜
                shouliang yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae cirrhosae薯莨
                shrubalthea bark cortex hibisci川槿皮
                siberian cocklour fruit fructus xanthii蒼耳子
                silktree albizzia bark cortex albizziae合歡皮
                simple glorybower root radix clerodendri philippini臭茉莉
                simpleleaf shrub chastetree fruit fructus viticis simplicifoliae蔓荊子
                sinense knotweed rhizome rhizoma polygoni sinensis蜈蚣七
                single roxburgh rose fruit fructus rosae normalis刺梨果
                sinkiang arnebia root /redroot gromwell root
                radix arnebiae /radix lithospermi
                sinkiang fritillary bulb bulbus fr

              itillariae pallidiflorae伊貝母
                skyblue broomrape herb herba orobanches列當(dāng)
                slender dutchmanspipe root radix aristolochiae青木香
                slenderstyle acanthopanax bark
                cortex acanthopanacis  五加皮/南
               phoenix tree seed semen firmianae梧桐子
                pillbug armadillidium鼠婦蟲
                pilose asiabell root /moderate asiabell root/szechwon tangshen root
                radix codonopsis
                pine leaf folium pini松毛
                pine nodular branch lignum pini nodi油松節(jié)
                pine pollen pollen pini松花粉
                pinellia tuber
                rhizoma pinelliae
                pink herb herba dianthi瞿麥
                pink plumepoppy herb herba macleayae cordatae博落回
                pink reineckea herb herba reineckeae carneae吉祥草
                pipe fish syngnathus海龍
                plant soot fuligo plantae百草霜
                plantain herb herba plantaginis車前草
                plantain seed
                semen plantaginis
                platycladi seed semen platycladi柏子仁
                platycodon root
                radix platycodi
                poisonous buttercup herb herba ranunculi scelerati石龍芮
                pokeberry root radix phytolaccae商陸
                pomegranate rind pericarpium granati石榴皮
                prepared common monkshood daughter root radix aconiti lateralis preparata附子
                prepared salt sal preparatum秋石
                pricklyash peel fructus zanthoxyli花椒
                prince‘s-feather fruit fructus polygoni orientalis水葒花子
                prince‘s-feather herb herba polygoni orientalis葒草
                puberulous glochidion herb herba glochidii puberi算盤子
                pubescent holly root radix ilicis pubescentis毛冬青
                pubescent pepper herb herba piperis puberuli毛蒟
                lasiosphaera seu calvatia
                pumice pumex浮石
                pummelo peel exocarpium citri grandis化橘紅
                puncturevine caltrop fruit fructus tribuli蒺藜
                purple lythrum herb herba lythri salicariae千屈菜
                purpleflower crotalaria herb herba crotalariae農(nóng)吉利
                purpleflower holly leaf folium ilicis purpureae四季青
                purslane speedwell herb herba veronicae peregrinae仙桃草
                pyrite pyritum自然銅
                pyrolusite pyrolusitum無名異
                pyrrosia leaf folium pyrrosiae石韋
                quartz quartz album白石英
                radde anemone rhizome rhizoma anemones raddeanae竹節(jié)香附
                radish seed semen raphani萊菔子
                raisin tree seed semen hoveniae枳具子
                ramie root radix boehmeriae苧麻根
                rangooncreeper fruit
                fructus quisqualis
                realgar realgar雄黃
                red ochre
                ochra haematitum
                red paeony root
                radix paeoniae rubra
                red psychotria leaf folium psychotriae rubrae山大顏
                red-knees herb herba polygonie hydropiperis辣蓼
                reed rhizome
                rhizoma phragmitis
                rehmannia root
                radix rehmanniae
                remote lemongrass herb herba cymbopogonis蕓香草
                rhesus macaque bezoar calculus macacae mulattae猴棗
                radix et rhizoma rhei
                rice bean semen phaseoli赤小豆
                rice-grain sprout fructus oryzae germinatus谷芽
                ricepaperplant pith medulla tetrapanacis通草
                rivier giantarum rhizome rhizoma amorphophalli魔芋
                romanet grape root radix vitis adstrictae野葡萄
                rose flos rosae rugosae玫瑰花
                rose mallow root radix urenae lobatae地桃花
                rosewood heart wood lignum dalbergiae odoriferae降香
                roughhaired holly root radix ilicis asprellae崗梅根
                round cardamom fruit /java amomum fruit fructus amomi rotundus白豆蔻
                rush medulla junci燈心草
                rust-coloured crotalaria herb herba crotalariae ferrugineae假地蘭
                flos carthami
                saffron stigma croci西紅花
                sago leaf folium cycadis revolutae鳳尾蕉葉
                sal ammoniac sai ammoniacus硇砂
                sampson st. john‘swort herb herba hyperici sampsonii元寶草
                radix notoginseng
                sandalwood lignum santali albi檀香
                sappan wood ligum sappan蘇木
                sargentgloryvine stem caulis sargentodoxae大血藤
                sarmentose pepper herb herba piperis sarmentosi假蒟
                savoury rhododendron leaf folium rhododendri anthopogonoidis烈香杜鵑
                sawtooth oak bark cortex querci acutissimae橡木皮
                saxifraga herba saxifragae虎耳草
                scabrous doellingeria rhizome and root rhizoma et radix doellingeriae東風(fēng)菜
                scabrous elephantfoot herb herba elephantopi地膽頭
                scabrous mosla herb herba moslae scabrae石薺苧
                scandent schefflera stem and leaf caulis et folium schefflerae arboricolae七葉蓮
                scarlet kadsura root radix kadsurae coccineae黑老虎根
                sea horse hippocampus海馬
                sea-ear shell
                concha haliotidis
                semen nelumbinis lotus seed蓮子
                semi-pinnated brake herb herba pteridis semipinnatae半邊旗
                senna leaf
                folium sennae番瀉葉
                sensitiveplat herb herba mimosae pudicae含羞草
                serpoletleaf sandwort herb herba arenariae serpyllifoliae小無心菜
                serrate chloranthus root radix chloranthi serrati及己
                serrate gtorybower herb herba clerodendri serrati三對(duì)節(jié)
                sessile stemona root/japanese stemona root/tuber stemona root
                radix stemonae
                sessileflower acanthopanax bark cortex acanthopanacis sessiliflori短梗五加
                sevenlobed yam rhizome / foochow yam rhizome
                rhizoma dioscoreae septemlobae
                sharpleaf galangal fruit
                fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae
                sheepear inula herb herba inulae cappae羊耳菊
                shepherdspurse herb herba capsellae薺菜
                shiny cinquefoil root radix potentillae fulgentis翻白葉
                shinyleaf pricklyash root radix zanthoxyli兩面針
                shorthairy antenoron herb herba antenoronis neofiliformis金線草
                shortleaf kyllinga herb herba kyllingae水蜈蚣
                shortstalk monkshood root/pendulous monkshood root radix aconiti brachypodi/radix aconiti szechenyiani雪上一只蒿
                shorttube lycoris bulb bulbus lycoridis radiatae石蒜
                shouliang yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae cirrhosae薯莨
                shrubalthea bark cortex hibisci川槿皮
                siberian cocklour fruit fructus xanthii蒼耳子
                silktree albizzia bark cortex albizziae合歡皮
                simple glorybower root radix clerodendri philippini臭茉莉
                simpleleaf shrub chastetree fruit fructus viticis simplicifoliae蔓荊子
                sinense knotweed rhizome rhizoma polygoni sinensis蜈蚣七
                single roxburgh rose fruit fructus rosae normalis刺梨果
                sinkiang arnebia root /redroot gromwell root
                radix arnebiae /radix lithospermi紫草
                sinkiang fritillary bulb bulbus fritillariae pallidiflorae伊貝母
                skyblue broomrape herb herba orobanches列當(dāng)
                slender dutchmanspipe root radix aristolochiae青木香
                slenderstyle acanthopanax bark
                cortex acanthopanacis
                small centipeda herb herba centipedae鵝不食草
                smallfruit fig aerial root radix aerio fici microcarpae榕須
                smallfruit rose root radix rosae cymosae小果薔薇
                snake slough periostracum serpentis蛇蛻
                snakegourd fruit fructus trichosanthis瓜蔞
                snakegourd seed semen trichosanthis瓜蔞仁
                snow lotus herb herba saussureae involucratae雪蓮花
                snow of june herb herba serissae六月雪
                snowbell-leaf tickclover herb herba desmodii styracifolii廣金錢草
                soda-apple night-shade herb herba solani surattensis天茄子
                songaria cynomorium herb herba cynomorii鎖陽(yáng)
                south dodder seed / chinese dodder seed
                semen cuscutae菟絲子
                sowthistle tasselflower herb herba emiliae一點(diǎn)紅
                soybean germinated semen sojae germinatum大豆黃卷
                spanishneedles herb / railway beggarticks herb herba bidentis bipinnatae /herba bidentis pilosae鬼針草
                spiderflower seed semen cleomis白花菜子
                spike aletris herb herba aletridis粉條兒菜
                spina date seed
                semen ziziphi spinosae
                spiny amarauth herb or root herba seu radix amaranrhi刺莧菜
                spreading hedyotis herb
                herba hedyotidis diffusae
                sri lanka pouzolzia herb herba pouzolziae zeylanicae霧水葛
                stalactite stalactitum鐘乳石
                star anise fructus anisi stellati八角茴香
                starwort root radix stellariae銀柴胡
                stiff silkworm
                bombyx batryticatus  僵蠶
                stone-like omphalia omphalia雷丸
                stringy stonecrop herb herba sedi sarmentosi垂盆草
                striped crotalaria herb herba crotalariae mucronatae豬屎豆
                suberect spatholobus stem caulis spatholobi雞血藤
                suffrutescent securinega twig cacumen securinegae suffruticosae葉底珠
                sulphur sulphur硫黃
                sun euphorbia herb herba euphorbiae helioscopiae澤漆
                sunflower receptacle clinanthium helianthi向日葵
                sunset abelmoschus root radix abelmoschi manihot黃蜀葵
                swamp mahogany leaf folium eucalypti robustae大葉桉葉
                sweet basil herb herba ocimi羅勒
                sweet broomwort herb herba scopariae冰糖草
                sweet osmanthus flower flos osmanthi fragrantis桂花
                sweet wormwood herb herba artemisiae青蒿
                sweetscented oleander leaf folium nerii夾竹桃葉
                sword jackbean seed semen canavaliae刀豆子
                swordlike atractylodes rhizome / chinese atractylodes rhizome
                rhizoma atractylodis
                szechuan lovage rhizome
                rhizoma chuanxiong
                szechuan melandium root radix melandrii szechuanensis瓦草
                szechwan chinaberry fruit fructus toosendan川楝子
                tabasheer concretio silicea bambusae天竺黃
                taiwan beautyberry leaf folium callicarpae formosanae紫珠葉
                tall gastrodia tuber
                rhizoma gastrodiae
                tamarind pulp fructus tamarindi indicae酸角
                tamariskoid spikemoss herb herba selaginellae卷柏
                tangerine peel pericarpium citri reticulatae陳皮
                tangerine seed semen citri reticulatae橘核
                tangut anisodus radix radix anisodi tangutici山莨菪
                tatarian aster root
                radix asteris
                tenacious condorvine stem caulis marsdeniae tenacissimae通光藤
                tender catchweed bedstraw herb herba galii teneri豬殃殃
                ternate grape fern herb herba botrychii陰地蕨
                thatch screwpine root radix pandani tectorii露兜勒
                thickleaf croton root radix crotonis crassifolii雞骨香
                thin evodia twig and leaf folium et ramulus evodiae三叉苦
                thinleaf adina fruit fructus adinae水楊梅
                thinleaf milkwort root-bark
                cortex et radix polygalae
                thorny elaeagnus leaf folium elaeagni胡頹子葉
                threevein aster herba asteris ageratoidis紅管藥
                thunberg fritillary bulb bulbus fritillariae thunbergii浙貝母
                thymifoious euphorbia herb herba euphorbiae thymifoliae小飛揚(yáng)草
                tinospora stem caulis tinosporae寬根藤
                toad skin cutis bufonis蟾蜍皮
                toad venomvenenum bufonis 蟾酥
                tokaygecko  蛤蚧
                tortoise shell
                carapax et plastrum testudinis  龜甲
                towel gourd stem ramulus luffae絲瓜藤
                towel gourd vegetable spongeretinervus luffae fructus絲瓜絡(luò)
                tree peony bark
                cortex moutan
                tree-of-heaven ailanthus bark cortex ailanthi椿皮
                tremolite or tremolite asbestos tremolitum陽(yáng)起石
                trifoliate acanthopanax root radix acanthopanacis trifoliati三葉五加
                trifoliate jewelvine root or stem radix seu caulis derridis trifoliatae魚藤
                trifoliate-orange immature fruit fructus ponciri trifoliatae枸橘
                triquetrous tadehagi herb herba tadehagi triquetri葫蘆茶
                trogopterus dung faeces trogopterori五靈脂
                tsaoko amomum fruit fructus tsaoko草果
                tuber fleeceflower root
                radix polygoni multiflori
                tuber fleeceflower stem caulis polygoni multiflori夜交藤
                tuber onion seed semen allii tuberosi韭菜子
                tuberculate speranskia herb herba speranskiae tuberculatae珍珠透骨草
                tuberous sword fern rhizome rhizoma nephrolepis cordifoliae腎蕨
                turmeric rhizoma curcumae longae姜黃
                turmeric root-tuber
                radix curcumae
                turtle shell
                carapax trionycis
                twelvestamen melastoma herb herba melastomatis dodecandri地捏
                twotooth achyranthes root
                radix achyranthis bidentatae
                umbellate rockjasmine herb herba androsaces umbellatae點(diǎn)地梅
                uncinata spikemoss herb herba selaginellae uncinatae翠云草
                unibract fritillary bulb
                bulbus fritillariae unibracteatae 川貝母
                uniflower swisscentaury rootradix rhapontici漏蘆
                ussuriensis fritillary bulb bulbus fritillariae ussuriensis平貝母
                valerian root radix valerianae纈草
                vermiculite vermiculitum金精石
                vermiculite schist seu / hydrobiotite schist lapis micae aureum金礞石
                veronicastrum herb herba veronicastri腹水草
                vietnamese sophora root radix sophorae tonkinensis山豆根
                villous amomum fruit / cocklebur-like amomum fruit
                fructus amomi砂仁
                virgate wormwood herb / capillary wormwood herb
                herba artemisiae scopariae茵陳
                water calptrop base and peel pedicellus et pericarpium trapae菱
                watermeion peel exocarpium citrulli西瓜皮
                waternut herb herba eleocharitis通天草
                weeping forsythiae capsule fructus forsythiae連翹
                white hyacinth bean semen lablab album白扁豆
                white mulberry root-bark cortex mori桑白皮
                white mustard seed semen sinapis albae白芥子
                white paeony root radix paeoniae alba白芍
                whitebackleaf mallotus root radix malloti apelitae白背葉
                whiteflower hogfennel root/common hongfennel root
                radix peucedani前胡
                whiteflower leadword root radix plumbaginis zeylanicae白花丹
                whorlleaf loosestrife herb herba lysimachiae klattianae黃開口
                wideleaf osbeckia root radix osbeckiae crinitae朝天罐
                wild buckwheat rhizome rhizoma fagopyri cymosi金蕎麥
                wild carrot fruit fructus dauci carotae南鶴虱
                wild chrysanthemum flos chrysanthemi indici野菊花
                wildcelery herb herba apii芹菜
                williams elder twig ramulus sambuci williamsii接骨木
                willowleaf hygrophila herb herba hygrophilae salicifoliae大青草
                willowleaf swallowwort rhizome / glaucescent swallowwort rhizome
                rhizoma cynanchi stauntonii白前
                wilson begonia rhizome rhizoma begoniae wilsonii一點(diǎn)血
                winged euonymus twig ramulus euonymi鬼箭羽
                winged laggera herb herba laggerae alatae鹿耳翎
                wingedtooth laggera herb herba laggerae臭靈丹草
                winterberry euonymus herb herba euonymi bungeani絲綿木
                wintersweet flower flos chimonanthi praecocis臘梅花
                wooly datchmanspipe herb herba aristolochiae mollissimae尋骨風(fēng)
                wormseed santonica蛔蒿
                wormseed mustard herba erysimi cheiranthoidis糖芥
                wrinkled gianthyssop herb
                herba agastaches藿香
                yangtao actinidia root radix actinidiae chinensis藤梨根
                yanhusuorhizoma corydalis  延胡索
                yellow croaker ear-stone asteriscus pseudosciaenae魚腦石
                yellowmouth dutchmanspipe root radix aristolochiae heterophyllae漢中防已
                yerbadetajo herb herba ecliptae墨旱蓮
                yunnan manyleaf paris rhizome / chinese paris rhizome rhizoma paridis重樓
                zedoary rhizoma curcumae莪術(shù)
                zhegucai caloglossa leprieurii鷓鴣菜

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